
Corrosion Under Insulation

Cor­ro­sion un­der In­su­la­tion (CUI) is a severe threat to the pro­cess in­dustry. If neg­lected, the cor­ro­sion pro­cess is mostly well-hid­den un­der the insulation system and only be­comes ob­vi­ous due to severe in­teg­rity fail­ures.

CUI In­spec­tion and Remediation

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp has ex­tens­ive ex­per­i­ence in assessing and re­medi­at­ing Cor­ro­sion Under In­su­la­tion (CUI) since in­cep­tion in 1918. Our aim is to provide clients with an efficient ser­vice that re­duces the cost of identi­fy­ing CUI, im­proves plant thermal ef­fi­ciency and helps pre­vent major fail­ures and un­planned plant shutdowns.

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp utilises real time ra­dio­graphy for CUI in­spec­tion – Â鶹ÉçÇøapp Insulated Pipe Scanning equip­ment. We refer to this as KIPS.

We have ded­ic­ated and ex­per­i­enced CUI in­spec­tion tech­ni­cians who utilise the following 4-step pro­cess to identify CUI:

  1. Carrying out Thermal Imagery Surveys complete with thermal efficiency results and CUI indicators
  2. Undertaking Real Time Radiography (RTR) scans and Moisture Content Measurement (MCM), concentrating on CUI indicators results from our thermal imagery surveys
  3. Non-destructive Testing (NDT) where/when applicable to confirm wall thicknesses
  4. Remediation of affected areas – offering knowledge on the latest coatings and insulation/cladding technologies as preventative measures to safeguard against further CUI or loss of thermal efficiencies.

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp has previously carried out inspection ser­vices for a number of clients in Australia across the Oil & Gas, Power and Chemicals sectors.

Remediation Solutions

Once CUI has been iden­ti­fied, Â鶹ÉçÇøapp can provide a re­medi­ation solu­tion utilising a num­ber of coat­ing and insulation solu­tions. We consider factors such as environmental & process, cost, safety, life ex­pect­an­cies and quality requirements.

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp has a ded­ic­ated R&D test­ing facility in Naval Base, West­ern Australia, to simulate on-site con­di­tions for these solu­tions.

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp Integrated Services
Delivering across full asset lifecycles, from construction to asset integrity, maintenance & shutdowns.
Contact us now +61 8 9224 4600