
About Us

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp in Aus­tralia 

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp has an es­tab­lished and widespread pres­ence across Aus­tralia, operating in the coun­try for 40 years.

Today we have over 2,000 per­son­nel nationally de­liv­er­ing our ser­vices across major projects, sustaining cap­ital, maintenance, shutdowns and asset integrity works. We have branches loc­ated in Perth, Naval Base, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Port Hedland, Karratha, Adelaide, Dar­win, Brisbane, Gladstone and Mackay to support our site-based teams.

We are a lead­ing pro­vider of turn­key construction, main­ten­ance and industrial ser­vices. We specialise in the delivery of mechanical ser­vices, sur­face pro­tec­tion, in­su­la­tion & clad­ding, ac­cess solu­tions, electrical services, pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion, mar­ine struc­tures remedia­tion and asbestos management. We also undertake civil services through established relationships with special­ist part­ners.

Australian Capability Video

Capability Statement

Â鶹ÉçÇøapp Global

Doing things the Â鶹ÉçÇøapp way. Since 1918.

In 1918, Carl Kaefer used peat to in­su­late the walls of cold stor­age spaces. This idea led to the founda­tion of our company, which has since de­veloped into a mar­ket leader for plant in­teg­rity services and solu­tions in the Min­ing, Energy, Industrial, Marine, Defence, Government and Construction Industries. With over 30,000 em­ploy­ees and operations in over 30 countries, we are a true global player – there for you all over the world.

We are driven by in­nov­a­tion and do­ing things dif­fer­ently. We de­velop new and tailored solu­tions to be­ne­fit our clients and are in­dustry front-run­ners in digitalisation. We also en­sure qual­ity, safety, cost-ef­fi­ciency and continuous improvement through our sub­stan­tial in-house ex­pert­ise and fully-in­teg­rated services.

Our suc­cess­ful track re­cord speaks for itself and serves as a test­a­ment to the strength of our Founder Carl Kaefer’s vision – to reduce and use resources more ef­fi­ciently.

Further information on Â鶹ÉçÇøapp’s global presence is available through the , as well as the Image Film below.

* This video was shot in Norway, France, South Africa, Poland, Germany, Brazil, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia and complies with local HSE standards and procedures.